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Íslensk tímarit

Glæður,  fagtímarit Félags sérkennara.

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Talfræðingurinn. Tímarit Félags talkennara og talfræðinga.

Tímarit um menntarannsóknir. Gefið út af FUM, Félag um menntarannsóknir.

Uppeldi og menntun. Tímarit Kennaraháskóla íslands.

Þjóðarspegillinn, tímarit á vegum félagsvísinda, Félagsvísindastofnun Háskóla Íslands


Íslenskar bækur og margmiðlunarefni

Elín Vilhelmsdóttir. (2007). Lesblinda: dyslexía, fróðleikur og ráðgjöf. Reykjavík. Félag lesblindra á Íslandi.

Elísabet Arnardóttir, Guðmundur B. Kristmundsson og Amalía Björnsdóttir. (2006). Læsi fullorðinna: Lesiðni og ritvenjur. Reykjavík: Rannsóknarstofnun Kennaraháskóla Íslands.

Halldóra Haraldsdóttir og Rósa Eggertsdóttir. (2007). Orðskrá í lestrarfræðum. Ensk-Íslensk. Akureyri. Útgefið af höfundum.

Heimir Pálsson (ritstjóri). (2000). Lestrarbókin okkar, greinasafn um lestur og læsi. Reykjavík. Rannsóknarstofnun Kennaraháskóla Íslands og Íslenska lestrarfélagið.

Indriði Gíslason og Guðmundur B. Kristmundsson. (1993). Lestur mál. Reykjavík. Iðunn.

Norænn DVD diskur um lestrar- og ritstuðning í atvinnulífinu. (2007). NAV  NONITE Nordnorsk IKT-senter.

Rósa Eggertsdóttir. (2007). Byrjendalæsi. Íslensk mynd (DVD-diskur) um lestrarkennslu. Akureyri. Skólaþróunarsvið Háskólans á Akureyri.

Rósa Eggertsdóttir og Þóra Björk Jónsdóttir. (2006). Lexía. Fræði um leshömlun, kenningar og mat. Akureyri: Háskólinn á Akureyri.

Rósa Eggertsdóttir. (1998). Fluglæsi: Áherslur, stefnumörkun og aðferðir í lestrarkennslu. Akureyri: Skólaþjónusta Eyþings.

Steinunn Torfadóttir, Helga Sigurmundsdóttir, Ásthildur Bj. Snorradóttir, Bjartey Sigurðardóttir, Jóhanna Ella Jónsdóttir og Sigurgrímur Skúlason (2011). Leið til læsis:lesskimun fyrir fyrsta bekk grunnskóla-Handbók. Reykjavík:Námsmatsstofnun.

Erlend tímarít

Brain and Language
Child Development 
Educational and Child Psychology
Intervention in School and Clinic
Journal of Child Psychology an Psychiatry
Journal of Educational Psychology
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology 
Journal of Learning Disabilities
Journal of Research in Reading
Psychological Review
Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal 
Reading Research Quarterly
Remedial and Special Education
Topics in Language Disorders

Erlendar fræðibækur

Adams, M. J. (1990). Beginning to Read. Thinking and Learning about Print. London: MIT Press.

Allington, R.L. (2009). What Really Matters in Fluency. Research-Based Practices across the Curriculum. Boston:Pearson Education, Inc.

Cain, K. og Oakhill, J. (2007) (ritstjórar). Children´s Comprehension Problems in Oral and Written Language. A Cognitive Perspective. London: The Guilford Press.

Catts, H.W., og Kamhi, A.G. (2005). Language and Reading Disabilities. Boston: Pearson.

Creenwood, C. R., Kratochwill, T. R. Clements, M. (2008). Schoolwide prevention models. Lessons leam in elementary school. New York: The Guilford Press.

Dickinson, D. K.  & Neuman, S. B. (2006). Handbook of Early Literacy Research (Vol. 2). New York: The Guilford Press.

Fawcett, A. (2001). Dyslexia: Theory and Good Practice. London: Whurr.

Flecher, J. M. Lyon, G. R., Fuchs, L. S., Barnes, M. A. (2007). Learning disabilities. From indentification to intervention. New York: Guilford Publication.

Grøver, V., Uccelli, P., Rowe, M. L. og Lieven, E. (ritstjórar). (2021). Learning through language: Towards an educationally informed theory of language learning. Cambridge University Press.

Hall, S. L.; Moats, L.C. (1999). Straight Talk About Reading. How Parents Can Make a Difference During the Early Years. Lincolnwood (Chicago), Comtemporary Book.

Harvey, S. & Goudvis, A. (2007). Strategies that Work. Teaching Comprehension for Understanding and Engagement. Portland. Maine. Senhouse Publishers.

Hulme, C. & Snowling, M. J. (1994).  Reading Development and Dyslexia. London: Whurr.

Höien, I., og Lundberg, I. (2000). Dyslexia: From Theory to Intervention. Dordrecht NL: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Lundberg, I., Tönnesen, F.E. & Austad, I. (1999).  Dyslexia; Advances in Theory and Practice. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

MacArthur, C, A., Graham, S., Fitzgerald, J. (2006). Handbook of writing research. New York: The Guilford Press.

Moats, L. C. (2000). Speech to Print. Language Essentials for Teacher. Maryland. Paul H. Bookers Publishing Co.

Morris, D. (2005). The Howard Street Tutoring Manual: Teaching At Risk Students in the Primary Grades. New York: The Guilford Press

Muter, V. (2003). Early Reading Development and Dyslexia. London: Whurr.

Neuman, S. B. & Dickinson, D. K. (2003). Handbook of Early Literacy Research. New York. The Guilford Press.

Reid, G. & Fawcet, A. (2004). Dyslexia in Context: Research, Policy and Practice. London: Whurr.

Reid, G. & Wearmouth, J. (2002). Dyslexia and Literacy: Theory and Practice. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.

Sibberson, F. og Szymusiak, K. (2008). Day to day assessment in the reading workshop. Making instructional decisions in grades 3-6. New York: Scholastic.

Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S., Griffin, P. (1998). Preventing Reading Difficulties in Young Children. Washington, DC. National Academiy Press.

Snowling, M. J. & Hulme, C. 2005. The Science of Reading: A Handbook. Malden: Blackwell.

Snowling, M. J.  & Stackhouse, J. (2006). Dyslexia, Speech and Language. A Practitioner´s Handbook. London: Whurr Publishers.

Southall, M. (2007). Differentiated literacy centers. New York: Scholastic.

Stone, C. A., Silliman, E.R., Ehren, B. J., Apel, K. (2004). Handbook of Language & Literacy. Development and Disorder. New York: The Guilford Press.

Stahl, K. A. D., McKenna, M. C. L. (2006). Reading research at work. Foundation of effective practice. New York: The Guilford Press.

Tankersley, K. (2003). The Threads of Reading: Strategies for Literacy Development. Alexandria, USA: ASCD; Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Tyner, B. (2004). Small-Group Reading Instruction: A Differentiated Teaching Model for Beginning and Struggling Readers. Newark: International Reading Association.

Walpole, S. & McKenna, M.C. (2007). Differentiated Reading Instruction. Strategies for Primary Grades. New York. The Guilford Press.

Áhugaverðir tenglar

International Dyslexia Association (IDA)

Reading Rockets

Ld Online

Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)

Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD)

Florida Center for Reading and Research (FCRR)

National Institute for Literacy

National Research Center on Learning Disabilities

What Works Clearinghouse

Um fjölþjóðlega rannsókn á læsi 9 ára barna PIRLS 2006 (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study)

Skýrsla Námsmatsstofnunar um lesleikni íslenskra barna í 4. og 5. bekk

Skýrsla Námsmatsstofnunar á íslenska hluta PISA  (Programme for International Student Assessment) sem er alþjóðleg rannsókn á hæfni og getu 15 ára nemenda í lestri, náttúrufræði, stærðfræði og þrautalausn.


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